HERO Generator Installs
Greenfield Energy has over 35 years in the generator business. We sell and install electric generating equipment for agricultural, small business, and large residential applications. We represent both gas and diesel brands. We offer full-service project completion with a specialization in project management, application analysis, and hands-on diagnostics.
Salt Air Safe Generators
Beach front homes encounter constant salt air which causes regular generator and hvac units to rust and degrade. Our HERO diesel generator prevents salt air from entering the unit and preserves the engine. The HERO salt proof case blends well with the home design and is clean and stylish. Greenfield Energy has over 35 years in the generator business.
Watercooled Diesel Generator
Oceanfront Safe Generator
Grandwatt Generator Installs
Greenfield Energy is a Grandwatt exclusive distributor. Grandwatt has a reliable production line and mature quality control procedure to deliver you a professional solution. Grandwatt offers durable & reliable products through years of proven design.